Mondauk Common:
Michael-Patrick Harrington's Blog

Texas abortion law

I know the new Texas law bans abortions after the 6th week, but Trumpers/pro”lifers” must believe that SOMEWHERE in Texas illegal abortions are being performed, or else they wouldn’t be forming their little web sites and such to try to catch a woman who is, say, 10 weeks pregnant.
Which brings me to my questions. But first I will admit that I cannot tell how far along someone is just by looking at them. Maybe some people can. Now these pro-“lifers” can sue anyone aiding & abetting an illegal abortion. But how would they know the woman is past six weeks? They cannot walk up to the front desk of a women’s care facility and ask. HIPAA protects the privacy of all patients everywhere. It is a federal law, which supersedes state laws.
Unless someone has personal information about the woman in question (and by personal information I mean they live next door to her or know her from work, that sort of thing), how will these pro-“lifers” know?

Ed Asner

RIP Ed Asner

Rest in peace Charlie Watts

The Rolling Stones have been part of my life since I was 12. That was when I lost my innocence: when I heard Mick bemoan his lack of satisfaction. And behind Mick’s bluesy bark and the push-pull of Keith & Brian (or Keith & Mick Taylor…or Keith & Ronnie) was the steady hand of Charlie Watts. Watch the concert videos, and it would appear the man is bored and barely playing, but close your eyes and listen to his jazz inflections, his anchored R&B rumble. Listen to how he follows Keith (rather than the other way around). Charlie was the bedrock of the Rolling Stones. It is a poorer world without him. Rest in peace, Charlie, one of the GREATEST drummers EVER.

The Fall

Oh sh*t…oh Joe…