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Michael-Patrick Harrington's Blog
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While Prince’s Guitar Gently Weeps
Here is the 2021 remix of George Harrison’s Beatles’ song “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” from the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, performed by Tom Petty (and a couple of Heartbreakers), Jeff Lynne, Steve Winwood, Dhani Harrison, & Prince. ASTOUNDING!
For Republicans with mild to severe regret that they supported a coup…
The new drug going around…
Overdriver Duo take on Pink Floyd
The Overdriver Duo are back!
Gaslighting America
Gaslighting America with Erin Burnett

‘Does he think we’re living on Mars?’: Burnett stunned by McCarthy statement - CNN Video
CNN’s Erin Burnett lambasts the Republican Party and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy for removing Rep. Liz Cheney from her leadership position for her refusal to support former President Trump’s election lie.
Representative Liz Cheney
I’m not a Liz Cheney fan. She’s a REAL conservative, and I’m a liberal through & through. But her powerful speech in the House last night made clear that there are REAL conservatives looking to better the world, and then there are those RINOs who believe and spurt the Big Lie.
I’m with Rep. Cheney on this: speak the truth no matter what, even if it means losing power.

Analysis: Cheney shames colleagues who will purge her for disloyalty to Trump
Liz Cheney won’t move on and stop speaking about the threat to American democracy posed by Donald Trump for a simple reason: It hasn’t gone away.
Erin Tells It Like It Is
Little Richard
Here’s the first page of an article (courtesy of Mr. Craig Smith) about my old record store Disc/Connection (1994-1999). It’s nice see all the boys again and super-nice to see the late Kirby, who belonged to Christopher & Lisa Kaelin, my friends and partners during the first year and a half or so.
Steve Hassan
Cult-exit specialist Steve Hassan and his organization, the Freedom of Mind Resource Center, even help people exit the Trump cult.

My Waking Up Day- 40 Years Later- I am Filled with Gratitude! - Freedom of Mind Resource Center
A recent photo of Gladys Gonzalez, myself, and Nestor Garcia M.D. May 11th 1976 was the day. After five days of deprogramming, I “woke up” and emerged from being a “model Moonie” and leader to a very upset, confused, angry, ashamed self. A team of four people hired by my parents: Nestor Garcia, Mich…