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Michael-Patrick Harrington's Blog
What happened?
What happened to the Republican party? Why are they worshiping a golden calf when a majority of the GOP calls themselves Christians?

The return of Liz Phair
Liz Phair is back!
Philip Seymour Hoffman as Lester Bangs: Being Uncool
Philip Seymour Hoffman played legendary rock critic Lester Bangs in the classic film Almost Famous (2000), written & directed by Cameron Crowe. This video is a compilation of Hoffman’s scenes with William (Patrick Fugit), a stand-in for Crowe, who became a music critic for Rolling Stone when he was 15. These scenes are searing and true. If you’re uncool, you’ll understand.
My 2 New Books Have Been Released!
I am pleased to announce the release of my 2 new books on Silk Raven Press:
Everything’s Ephemeral: Stories from the Workshops Volume I
Get Out, You Ghosts: Stories from the Workshops Volume II
These are my 6th and 7th books. They are available as paperbacks or Kindle versions.
You can buy signed copies of my books on this website. There’s even a special offer if you buy both books in paperback! The books come with special bookmarks too.
They are also available on Amazon and other outlet
Thank you & I hope you enjoy the books!
PS Please leave reviews either on my website or on Amazon. I would really appreciate it!
Twitter: @MPH77
Instagram: owen7799
Almost made Almost Famous
Watch this fun deleted scene from the classic film Almost Famous. Frances McDormand’s face is a wonder to watch.
Is Incense Bad for You?

The District of Columbia could become its own planet!
The Onion strikes again…