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Independent Bookstore Day is tomorrow!
This is sickening.

Under-the-radar court case helps piece together cop dragging during Capitol riot
The Justice Department has built out one of its most gripping and complex investigations to date from the January 6 insurrection in a court case which has gotten far less attention than others about at least five rioters who dragged and beat police with flag poles and a crutch on the US Capitol step…
Jim Steinman
Clarice & Hannibal’s 30th anniversary (on film)
It’s the 30th anniversary of The Silence of the Lambs (the film)…
Save the Republic
“…this radical attempt to destroy the principles of the Declaration of Independence”
160 years ago, the Civil War began. In some ways, the principles our country defended against the southern traitors are principles we are still fighting for every day. In many obvious ways, Minneapolis has become ground zero for this battle.

April 12, 2021
Yesterday, at about 2:00 in the afternoon, a white police officer in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, shot and killed 20-year-old Daunte Wright, a Black man, after what seems to have been a routine traffic stop turned up an arrest warrant. Today, the Brooklyn Center police chief told reporters that the a…
This article is startling…

April 7, 2021
Last night, commentator Kevin Williamson published a piece in National Review justifying voter suppression by suggesting that “the republic would be better served by having fewer—but better—voters.” Representatives, he says, “are people who act in other people’s interests,” which is different from d…
Whedon & Johns
Wow, Joss Whedon & Geoff Johns are real asshats. I’ve heard rumblings about Whedon for a while (on Buffy, Firefly, Avengers), but not about Johns, who started out as a comic book writer. (He’s still one today.)
At least the 4-hour Zac Snyder version of Justice League erases the foul taste of Whedon’s sugar pops version.

Ray Fisher Opens Up About ‘Justice League,’ Joss Whedon and Warners: “I Don’t Believe Some of These People Are Fit for Leadership”
Over the past year, the actor has assailed the filmmaker and studio in harsh-but-cryptic tweets for what he says was racist and inappropriate conduct: “I’m not so indebted to Hollywood that I haven’t been willing to put myself out there.”