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Michael-Patrick Harrington's Blog

the 50 in 52 Project continues! I’ve finished Sophie’s Choice…up next: Where I’m Calling From

The 50 in 52 Project Reading Challenge continues!

I’ve just finished the 39th book, Sophie’s Choice by William Stryon…only 11 more books to go! (For a cool quote from the book, go my blog.)

Next up is….Where I’m Calling From: a short story collection by Raymond Carver (1988)

For those keeping score: this is book #40, week #40


The 50 in 52 Project Reading Challenge is a fundraiser for (Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network). I challenged myself to read 50 books in 1 year (6/1/18 to 6/1/19). I’m asking folks to sponsor me by pledging a $ amount per book I read. Sponsors don’t have to pay anything until after the Challenge finishes (6/1/19).

To sponsor me, click HERE. For more info and a list of the 50 books, go to the posting pinned to the top of the official 50 in 52 Facebook page.

Click HERE for all the 50 in 52 Project blog posts.

Thank you!


Twitter: @50_in_52Project
Instagram: 50_in_52_Project
RAINN on Twitter: @RAINN



Two 50 in 52 Project quotes from Sophie’s Choice

Two 50 in 52 Project Quotes!

“There are friends one makes at a youthful age in whom one simply rejoices, for whom one possesses a love and loyalty mysteriously lacking in the friendships made in after-years, no matter how genuine.”


“I have learned to cry again and I think perhaps that means I am a human being again. Perhaps that at least. A piece of human being but yes, a human being.”

from Sophie’s Choice by William Stryon (that’s him in the photo)


What is the 50 in 52 Project Reading Challenge?

I challenged myself to read 50 books in 1 year (6/1/18 to 6/1/19) to raise money for (Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network).

I’m asking folks to sponsor me by pledging a $ amount per book I read. You choose the amount. You don’t have to pay until after 6/1/19. To sponsor me & make a pledge, click HERE. Be the hero in someone else’s story!

For more info, see the post pinned to the top of the 50 in 52 Project Facebook page.

Click HERE for all the 50 in 52 Project blog posts.

Thank you!


Twitter: @50_in_52Project
Instagram: 50_in_52_Project
RAINN on Twitter: @RAINN

Selected Letters of William Styron.

the 50 in 52 Project continues…I’ve finished Song of Solomon…next up: Sophie’s Choice by William Stryon

The 50 in 52 Project Reading Challenge continues!

I’ve just finished the 38th book, Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison…only 12 more books to go! (For a cool quote from the book, go my blog.)

Next up is….Sophie’s Choice by William Stryon (1979)

For those keeping score: this is book #39, week #38


The 50 in 52 Project Reading Challenge is a fundraiser for (Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network). I challenged myself to read 50 books in 1 year (6/1/18 to 6/1/19). I’m asking folks to sponsor me by pledging a $ amount per book I read. Sponsors don’t have to pay anything until after the Challenge finishes (6/1/19).

To sponsor me, click HERE. For more info and a list of the 50 books, go to the posting pinned to the top of the official 50 in 52 Facebook page.

Click HERE for all the 50 in 52 Project blog posts.


Thank you!


Twitter: @50_in_52Project
Instagram: 50_in_52_Project
RAINN on Twitter: @RAINN


a 50 in 52 Project quote from Song of Solomon

A 50 in 52 Project Quote!

“She was the third beer. Not the first one, which the throat receives with almost tearful gratitude; nor the second, that confirms and extends the pleasure of the first. But the third, the one you drink because it’s there, because it can’t hurt, and because what difference does it make?”

from Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison (that’s her in the photo)


What is the 50 in 52 Project Reading Challenge?

I challenged myself to read 50 books in 1 year (6/1/18 to 6/1/19) to raise money for (Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network).

I’m asking folks to sponsor me by pledging a $ amount per book I read. You choose the amount. You don’t have to pay until after 6/1/19. To sponsor me & make a pledge, click HERE. Be the hero in someone else’s story!

For more info, see the post pinned to the top of the 50 in 52 Project Facebook page.

Click HERE for all the 50 in 52 Project blog posts.

Thank you!



Twitter: @50_in_52Project
Instagram: 50_in_52_Project
RAINN on Twitter: @RAINN

the 50 in 52 Project continues…I’ve finished Slaughterhouse-Five…coming up: Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison

The 50 in 52 Project Reading Challenge continues!

I’ve just finished the 37th book, Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut…only 13 more books to go! (For a cool quote from the book, go my blog.)

Next up is….Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison (1977)

For those keeping score: this is book #38, week #37


The 50 in 52 Project Reading Challenge is a fundraiser for (Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network). I challenged myself to read 50 books in 1 year (6/1/18 to 6/1/19). I’m asking folks to sponsor me by pledging a $ amount per book I read. Sponsors don’t have to pay anything until after the Challenge finishes (6/1/19).

To sponsor me, click HERE. For more info and a list of the 50 books, go to the posting pinned to the top of the official 50 in 52 Facebook page.

Click HERE for all of the 50 in 52 blog posts.

Thank you!


Twitter: @50_in_52Project
Instagram: 50_in_52_Project
RAINN on Twitter: @RAINN


a 50 in 52 Project quote from Slaughterhouse-Five

A 50 in 52 Project Quote!

“I have this disease late at night sometimes, involving alcohol and the telephone.”

from Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut (that’s him in the photo)


What is the 50 in 52 Project Reading Challenge?

I challenged myself to read 50 books in 1 year (6/1/18 to 6/1/19) to raise money for (Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network).

I’m asking folks to sponsor me by pledging a $ amount per book I read. You choose the amount. You don’t have to pay until after 6/1/19. To sponsor me & make a pledge, click HERE. Be the hero in someone else’s story!

For more info, see the post pinned to the top of the 50 in 52 Project Facebook page.

Click HERE for the 50 in 52 blog posts.

Thank you!



Twitter: @50_in_52Project
Instagram: 50_in_52_Project
RAINN on Twitter: @RAINN

the 50 in 52 Project continues…I’ve finished The Crying of Lot 49…up next: Slaughterhouse-Five

The 50 in 52 Project Reading Challenge continues!

I’ve just finished the 36th book, The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon…only 14 more books to go! (For a cool quote from the book, go my blog.)

Next up is….Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut (1969)

For those keeping score: this is book #37, week #36


The 50 in 52 Project Reading Challenge is a fundraiser for (Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network). I challenged myself to read 50 books in 1 year (6/1/18 to 6/1/19). I’m asking folks to sponsor me by pledging a $ amount per book I read. Sponsors don’t have to pay anything until after the Challenge finishes (6/1/19).

To sponsor me, click HERE. For more info and a list of the 50 books, go to the posting pinned to the top of the official 50 in 52 Facebook page.

Click HERE for the 50 in 52 blog posts.

Thank you!


Twitter: @50_in_52Project
Instagram: 50_in_52_Project
RAINN on Twitter: @RAINN


a 50 in 52 Project quote from The Crying of Lot 49

A 50 in 52 Project Quote!

“For a moment she’d wondered if the seal around her sockets were tight enough to allow the tears simply to go on and fill up the entire lens space and never dry. She could carry the sadness of the moment with her that way forever, see the world refracted through those tears, those specific tears, as if indices as yet unfound varied in important ways from cry to cry.”

from The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon (that’s him in the photo)


What is the 50 in 52 Project Reading Challenge?

I challenged myself to read 50 books in 1 year (6/1/18 to 6/1/19) to raise money for (Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network).

I’m asking folks to sponsor me by pledging a $ amount per book I read. You choose the amount. You don’t have to pay until after 6/1/19. To sponsor me & make a pledge, click HERE. Be the hero in someone else’s story!

For more info, see the post pinned to the top of the 50 in 52 Project Facebook page.

Click HERE for the 50 in 52 blog posts.

Thank you!



Twitter: @50_in_52Project
Instagram: 50_in_52_Project
RAINN on Twitter: @RAINN

The 50 in 52 Project continues…I’ve finished To Kill a Mockingbird…up next: The Crying of Lot 49

The 50 in 52 Project continues! (scroll down for more info)

I’ve just finished the 35th book, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee…only 15 more books to go! (For a cool quote from the book, go my blog.)

Next up is….The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon (1966)

For those keeping score: this is book #36, week #36


The 50 in 52 Project Reading Challenge is a fundraiser for (Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network). I challenged myself to read 50 books in 1 year (6/1/18 to 6/1/19). I’m asking folks to sponsor me by pledging a $ amount per book I read. Sponsors don’t have to pay anything until after the Challenge finishes (6/1/19).

To sponsor me, click HERE. For more info and a list of the 50 books, go to the posting pinned to the top of the official 50 in 52 Facebook page.

Click HERE for the 50 in 52 Project blog posts.

Thank you!

Twitter: @50_in_52Project
Instagram: 50_in_52_Project
RAINN on Twitter: @RAINN


a 50 in 52 Project quote from To Kill a Mockingbird

A 50 in 52 Project Quote!

“To all parties present and participating in the life of the county, Aunt Alexandra was one of the last of her kind: she had river-boat, boarding-school manners; let any moral come along and she would uphold it; she was born in the objective case; she was an incurable gossip.”

from To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (that’s her in the photo)

What is the 50 in 52 Project Reading Challenge?

I challenged myself to read 50 books in 1 year (6/1/18 to 6/1/19) to raise money for (Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network).

I’m asking folks to sponsor me by pledging a $ amount per book I read. You choose the amount. You don’t have to pay until after 6/1/19. To sponsor me & make a pledge, click HERE. Be the hero in someone else’s story!

For more info, see the post pinned to the top of the 50 in 52 Project Facebook page.

Click HERE for the 50 in 52 Project blog posts.

Thank you!


Twitter: @50_in_52Project
Instagram: 50_in_52_Project
RAINN on Twitter: @RAINN